Watch Shannon Noll lose it onstage after some bloke throws a bottle at him
- Publish Date
- Monday, 9 July 2018, 2:02PM

An extremely aggro Shannon Noll has unleashed a verbal hellspray upon some “fuckhead in a tie” who chucked a bottle at him while he was performing onstage in the New South Wales bush town of Nyngan.
After being struck with the projectile during the Duck Creek Races gig, Nollsie’s wrath was swift and terrible.
“Hey, who’s that fuckhead, get up here man,” the Condobolin sheep wrangler can be seen bellowing at the bottle-hucker in footage of the incident, which has since emerged online.
“Have the balls to come up here and I’ll meet you over there.”
The OG Australian Idol runner-up then went on to fire off multiple expletive-laden rounds of abuse at the beer-hurler, calling the dude a “fucking maggot”, a “cheap shot prick”, a “fuckin’ private school stupid fucking motherfucker”.
“Have some fucking balls and get up ‘ere and I’ll punch your fucking teeth down your throat out the back… dog-arse prick… Then I’ll fuck ya missus and ya mum.”
Thankfully, rather than following through with any of those threats, Nollsie instead launched into a rendition of Daryl Braithwaite’s classic, ‘The Horses’, and order was once again restored.
Police have told Nine they are not investigating the incident.
Watch cob’s aggro rant for yourself in the footage below.