Vigils around NZ and how you can help Christchurch

With the devastating news of the attacks in Christchurch on Friday March 15th, thousands of New Zealanders are looking for ways they can help.
Donation pages:
The New Zealand Islamic Information Centre has created a crowdfunding donation campaign on LaunchGood with funds being used to help with the immediate, short-term needs of the grieving families
A crowdfunding donation campaign has been created on Givealittle by Victim Support who will use the funds to provide support and resources for people affected by the Christchurch shootings and their family members.
New Zealand Police helpline:
People can register a missing person or register themselves at the Restoring Family Links (RFL) website
People in New Zealand can also register missing persons on 0800 115 019.
People outside of New Zealand can call 0064 3 353 4532.
Victim Support helpline 0800 842 846
Need to talk? Free text or call 1737
Vigils and prayer ceremonies across New Zealand:
The Northland Indian Association is holding a candle-lit vigil at Whangārei’s Laurie Hall Park on Sunday March 17 at 6pm.
A vigil is planned at Aotea Square next Friday March 22 from 6pm-7pm
‘Bringing Light to Our Darkest Hour’ is happening at Takapuna Beach in Auckland on Saturday March 16 8-10pm
Love to Christchurch Vigil is scheduled for 8pm Saturday at Claudelands Park.
Rotorua will be holding a vigil at Te Papaiouru Marae in Ōhinemutu at 7pm on Saturday March 16.
A public prayer session will be hosted on Sunday March 17 at Waipatu Marae.
A vigil will be held in The Square in Palmerston North at 7pm on Saturday March 16
A vigil will be held on Sunday March 17 at 6pm in Te Ngākau Civic Square with attendees being asked to wear something white.
Amnesty at Vic is also holding a vigil in Civic Square on Thursday, March 21 from 7pm.
Nelson Race Unity Day will be on Sunday March 17 in Victory Square from 11am-4pm
Christchurch has a vigil to “remember those who lost their lives in the mosque attacks in Christchurch on 15-3-19 being held on Thursday March 21 from 8.30pm-9.30pm.
A vigil has been planned for Thursday March 21 in the Octagon hosted by Amnesty Otago from 7pm-8.30pm.
A Vigil for Peace and Solidarity is taking place Sunday March 17 from 11am-12pm
For the latest in news and updates go to or NewstalkZB
If you're struggling or need to talk, call or text 1737